Hilltop Farm From the Air

Mail Order: Choice Perennials

Our 2005 Choice Perennials Mail Order Season has come to a close, and we are unable to accept any more orders for these plants for 2005. However, we will be happy to serve you with these mail order offerings in 2006!

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For our walk-in customer we offer 100's of choices. For you, the internet customer we have distilled the listing to just a handful of the newest or neatest available. You can probably get most of the more common plants closer to home, but if you are looking for a certain perennial, contact us, as we may be able to supply it.

We get many of our offerings from seed sources in Europe. Our vegetatively reproduced, patented plants com from the best American suppliers. We also propagate many unusual varieties here on our farm.

We offer full pots of healthy, well-grown plants; many will bloom the first year and all will bloom the second and further seasons.

Armeria 'Nifty Thrifty'
We have grown this for years. Forms an attractive little mound of nicely variegated (green and white striped) foliage topped with pink, ball-shaped flowers. Easily grown is a sunny location – well drained soil is best. Becomes 8" tall by 12" wide.
Quart pots, $7.50 each (+ shipping).
Armeria rubrifolia
Another oldie but goodie. Forms an attractive mound of red-purple foliage topped with rose-pink blooms. Likes a sunny, well-drained location. Becomes 8" tall by 12" wide.
Quart pots, $7.50 each (+ shipping).
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Artemesia 'Oriental Lime'
Artemesia 'Oriental Lime'Amy brought this plant back from California a few years ago. Its foliage is intensely splashed with yellow and green (shear back occasionally to keep the foliage at its brightest). Grows 18" tall by 3'+ wide. It can be invasive, so place it carefully or grow it in a pot to contain its wandering. It likes full to part sun and well drained soil, and is drought tolerant once established.
4" pots, $5.00 each (+ shipping).
Asarum splendens
Asarum splendensThis outstanding perennial will impress you with its dark leaves mottled and splashed with silver. This elegant groundcover will slowly spread forming evergreen mounds 36"+ wide by 8" tall. It prefers bright shade or morning sun. Keep evenly moist. This makes a choice groundcover; plant it close to paths where you can enjoy its subtle coloration. This plant is deer and rabbit resistant.
Quart pots, $10.00 each (+ shipping).
Bletillas (Hardy Orchid)
BletillaThese hardy orchids bloom outdoors each May in our zone 5-6 garden. We offer the plants no special protection or care in our shade gardens, nor do they need it. They will form clumps 18" tall by 36" wide. We recommend planting in part sun to bright shade in evenly-moist, good soil. Please choose from the following colors:

Pink Bletilla

White Bletilla

Available April through June.
Quart pots, 1-2: $10.00 ea., 3+: $8.00 ea. (+ shipping).

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Buddleias (Butterfly Bushes)
These open-growing bushes are among the best plants for attracting butterflies and hummingbirds. Their long season of blooms provides a constant source of nectar that will keep hummers and butterflies interested in your garden. You might consider planting two or more varieties of butterfly bushes in the same hole. As the plants grow their branches will intermingle, making it seem that different colored blooms are coming off of one plant.

Do not prune until late spring; as they leaf out you can cut out any dead branches. In a hard winter they will die back to the ground, but will still be blooming by midsummer regardless. They typically become 5-8 feet tall and across, but after a few mild winters they can become tree-like; you may wish to cut them back. As a bonus they are deer resistant! They prefer full sun, and their rapid growth demands rich soil and even moisture.

These will bloom this summer. Available from mid April until early June.
4" pots, $5.00 each (+ shipping).

Buddleia 'Black Night''Black Knight'
Flowers of the deepest violet, approaching black.
Buddleia 'Fascinating Pink''Fascinating Pink'
A good choice if you are looking for pink.
Buddleia 'Golden Glow''Golden Glow'
Gold colored; the florets are clumped into ball-shaped clusters.
A good yellow that produces round balls of florets.
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Buddleia 'Nanho Blue''Nanho Blue'
The closest to blue yet. Leaves are silvery. A more compact variety, growing to 5 feet.
'Pink Delight'
A good true pink.
Buddleia 'Potter's Purple''Potter's Purple'
A very good purple variety.
Buddleia 'Royal Red''Royal Red'
Still the best "red," producing an abundance of red-purple blooms.
Buddleia 'Santana''Santana'
'Royal Red' with a snappy yellow edge to the leaves. We brought our stock plant from Wisley Gardens in England.
Quart pots, $8.00 each (+ shipping).
'Summer Beauty'
Flowers are a reddish-pink color – different.
Buddleia 'White Profusion''White Profusion'
We feel this is the best white available.
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Delosperma cooperi (Ice Plant)
Ice PlantLarge, hot pink flowers adorn this succulent’s foliage. This is a rapid grower, forming a low-growing mound 36" wide and 8" tall. A location in full sun with perfect drainage is a must. Very drought tolerant once established. Ice plants are easy to grow, and also make good annuals for containers.
4" pots, $5.00 each (+ shipping).
Hardy Ferns
We offer many varieties of garden ferns. The following three are the neatest. If you are interested in other hardy ferns, please email us for details.
'Burgundy Lace' Japanese Painted Fern (Athyrium nipponicum )
'Burgundy Lace' Japanese Painted FernAn even showier form of the classic beauty, the leaves of ‘Burgundy Lace’ are brightly colored with silver and burgundy. An outstanding plant for bright shade or morning sun. They require even moisture and prefer a compost-enriched soil. Grows 12" tall by 18" wide.
Quart pots, $8.00 each (+ shipping).
Tassel Fern (Polystichum polyblepharum)
This is a favorite with our customers. The Tassel Fern grows rapidly into a 18-24" tall by 24" wide mound of gorgeous, dark green fronds. In our area it is semi-evergreen. Like most ferns it prefers good soil and even moisture. It likes morning sun or bright shade.
4" pots, $5.00 each (+ shipping).
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Fragaria 'Lipstick'
This is a rosy-red flowering strawberry. As a rapid spreader it makes an ideal groundcover, easily growing to 6" tall by 36"+ wide this year. It prefers full to part sun and good soil – good winter drainage is a must. Rosy blooms appear on and off all summer and into the fall above lush, dark green foliage. It spreads by above ground runners; these can easily be clipped off or moved around to control the plant’s spread. 'Lipstick' also performs well as a container plant.
Quart pots, $7.50 each (+ shipping).
Lady Hellebores
Hellebore 'Blue Lady'This new breeding is exciting. Lady Hellebores offer good colors along with rapid growth and healthy foliage. And, like all hellebores, they are deer proof! (The foliage is toxic to eat.)

They will bloom from late winter into the spring. They will form colonies to 36" wide and 15" tall. Their evergreen foliage does add to the winterscape of most gardens. These should bloom next spring (2004).
Quart pots, $10.0 each, (+ shipping).

Hellebore 'Red Lady'This year we have three "Ladies:"

'Blue Lady' - with purple-blue flowers

'Pink Lady' - with pink flowers

'Red Lady' - with red flowers

'White Lady' - with white flowers

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Heuchera 'Amber Waves'
Widely touted over the past few years, this unique perennial is now available from Hilltop Farm. Its amber leaves will add a splash of color to your shade or morning-sun garden. (Try siting it next to a dark leafed plant like Black Mondo Grass or 'Black Magic' elephant ear). Its small light-pink flowers are attractive to hummingbirds.
Quart pots, $8.00 each (+ shipping).
Ornamental Grasses
Carex buchanii
Carex buchaniiThis interesting "grass" grows to 24" tall by 18" wide. It has neat coloration, a rusty bronze! With a decent rate of growth, it is a nice addition to container gardens. It is borderline hardy here in zone 5-6. Further south it is hardy. It also does fine in a cool greenhouse, or use it as an annual.
Quart pots, 1-2: $6.50 ea., 3+: $6.00 ea.
(+ shipping).
Juncus filiformus 'Spiralis'
Juncus filiformus 'Spiralis'This interesting perennial "grass" has leaves that twist around and around. It will make an 8" tall mound of twisted leaves. This makes a good, small accent plant, or it can be grown as a specimen in a pot. Needs moisture.
Quart pots, 1-2: $6.50 ea., 3+: $6.00 ea.
(+ shipping).
Pennisetum 'Atropurpeum'
Pennisetum 'Atropurpeum'This annual grass is wonderful. It will quickly grow to 3' tall sporting pink foxtails over burgundy blades. It prefers full to part sun and evenly moist soil. Adequate fertility is necessary to support the rapid growth rate.
4½ pots, 1-2: $5.00 ea., 3+: $4.00 ea.
(+ shipping).
Stipa (Nassella) tenuissima "Ponytails" or "Angel's Hair"
StipaThis hardy grass makes nice, 12" tufts of the softest grass. It has been hardy for us in well-drained soil. A nice texture plant - put it where you can "pet" it. It needs full to part sun, good drainage, and adequate moisture. It will grow 12" tall and wide this summer.

4½ pots, 1-2: $5.00 ea., 3+: $4.00 ea. (+ shipping).

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Nepeta × fassenii 'Walker's Low'
Nepeta 'Walker's Low'This plant wants to grow! It will easily produce a mound of foliage 18" tall by 48" wide this year! (You can cut it back if it becomes a threat to its neighbors). It will reward you with clean grey-green foliage covered in vast quantities of small lavender-blue flowers that attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Place it in a location with full to part sun and evenly moist soil for best growth. Drought tolerant once established.
4" pots, $5.00 each (+ shipping).
Ophiopogon planiscapens 'Niger' (Black Mondo Grass)
Black Mondo GrassThis plant's black foliage makes the perfect backdrop for it purple blooms. It is a perennial here in Southwest Missouri, and will slowly fill out into a nice, low clump.
Quart pots, $8.00 each (+ shipping).
Solidago rugosa 'Fireworks'
Solidago 'Fireworks'What fall color! This plant will stop traffic when in bloom; producing vibrant gold flowers for six weeks. This variety is an American native plant selected for its outstanding form. Prefers full sun and well-drained soil, and will grow to 36" tall by 36"+ wide. It is drought tolerant once established and is resistant to deer nibbling.
Quart pots, $7.50 each (+ shipping).
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Tradescantia 'Sweet Katie'
Tradescantia 'Sweet Katie'This spiderwort has yellow foliage supporting blue flowers. It is easy to grow, being happy over most of the country. It will bloom this summer and profusely for summers to come. It will grow 24" tall and wide in average soil and full to part sun. It benefits by being cut to the ground in early summer. The new growth will then rebloom and look good until fall.
Quart pots, $7.50 ea. (+ shipping).
Vinca minor 'Illumination'
Vinca minor 'Illumination'Vibrant gold-centered leaves are vigorous enough to make a good ground cover. Blue flowers in the spring are an added bonus. This is a very rugged groundcover, and once established it is quite drought tolerant. Grows in the sun or shade, and can really lighten up a dark corner. You might also consider using it in container plantings or hanging baskets.
4" pots, $5.00 each (+ shipping).
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©2001-2005 by Peter Cross and Hilltop Farm